Diet for Cardiac Diseases

When a person has suffered a heart attack, his treatment focuses on preventing another or any complications related to it, like a stroke. What you are eating every day affects the functioning of your body including that of your heart. Your risk of having another heart attack reduces greatly if you change your eating habits to include food that’s healthy for your heart.

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Cardiac diseases are becoming very common in today’s world due to increased stress levels. Lifestyle changes and of course careless food habits. One of the most major reason for developing of WD is the food habits Cho intakes, unhealthy, food added on by the environmental factor. Diet thus plays a very important role in maintaining and regulating cardiac health. With a good diet With fat, fiber and in a corporation of right nutrients in the right Proportion, even a cardiac patient can live as long as a healthy individual shall live.

The ideal diet for cardiac patients should include vegetables, oily fish, and whole grains. These foods improve the health of your heart and lower the possibility of the patient suffering another heart attack. Read on as we share with you the foods you should include in your diet. We also give you a rundown on the foods you should stay away from.

Healthy Good to Control Cardiac Diseases

Oily Fish

Oily fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These improve the health of your heart as they have anti-inflammatory properties. The American Heart Association recommends that you take two servings of fatty fish every week. Each serving comprises 3.5 ounces of cooked fatty fish or flaked fish of three-quarter cup. We suggest some fish rich in omega -3 fatty acids-

  • Salmon
  • Mackerel
  • Herring
  • Lake trout
  • Sardines
  • Albacore tuna

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises that larger fish like sharks, swordfish, and marlin are best avoided by pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. It’s because consuming these fish could cause mercury contamination.

Fruits and Vegetables

Cardiac patients should be served a variety of fruits and vegetables of different colors every day. This is because plant foods contain antioxidants of different types that are healthy for the heart and help protect it. Such fruits and vegetables are also rich in fiber which is vital to have a healthy heart. Make it a point to avoid starchy vegetables like potatoes and squash.

Legumes, Nuts, and Seeds

It’s good for cardiac patients to include 2-3 cups of nuts, legumes, and seeds in their daily diet. There’s a catch though. As these are very energy-dense, a person should take them as per the daily calorie intake they desire to maintain. We suggest that the following be included in the diet-

  • Nuts: Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, and pecans
  • Seeds: Flaxseeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, and pumpkin seeds
  • Legumes: Black beans, garbanzo beans, adzuki beans, kidney beans, fava beans, and lentils

Whole Grains

A cardiac patient should stick to whole grains and avoid taking refined grains. It provides effective protection against cardiovascular disease. There’s more beneficial fiber in whole grains than refined grains. The diet should include pasta, rice, and whole-grain bread for a healthy heart.

Dairy Foods Low in Fat

It has been acknowledged by the American Heart Association (AHA) that the evidence regarding saturated fat and heart disease risk is inconclusive. That said, the AHA does suggest that people on the whole, and especially heart patients consume only low amounts of saturated fat in their diets. To ensure that, pick skimmed milk and other dairy products low in fat.

Foods to Avoid Cardiac Diseases

Having shared with you the foods that should form an ideal diet for heart patients, we now share with you the foods that you should avoid.

Red Meat and Processed Meat

Red meat, being rich in saturated fat should be avoided. Many studies reveal that having plant protein instead of red meat or processed meat may lower the risk of having heart diseases. Nuts, legumes, soy products, and whole grains are all plant proteins.

Beverages and Sweetened Food

Processed foods and beverages, especially energy drinks and sodas often contain added sugars. Calories and added sugars are recommended to be kept limited to not more than 10% as recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. It means that if you follow a 2,000 calorie diet, 10% would translate into 200 calories, i.e., 12 teaspoons of sugar every day. Avoiding too much sugar intake helps maintain weight and is a good way to prevent heart diseases.


Those who take alcohol regularly should keep the quantity limited. It translates into only one drink a day for women and not more than two drinks a day for men. There’s a belief among certain people that taking limited amounts of red wine protects the heart. However, according to Harvard University, there’s no conclusive evidence proving this beyond doubt.


High consumption of salt raises cardiovascular risks as it may cause high blood pressure. The AHA has observed that a reduction of salt intake by 1,000 milligrams each day helps reduce blood pressure. This is why it’s recommended that you take whole foods instead of processed foods as they contain salt. 


With increasing stress, the risks of heart diseases are rising. You should therefore make yourself a diet including only foods good for the heart. Our blog will guide you in having such a diet. We urge you to avoid taking the foods which we have mentioned are bad for your heart. A healthy lifestyle and the right diet ensure a healthy heart. Here’s wishing you good health.

How To Get In Touch?

To get a complete consultation on a Diet you can send an email at or Call on 98691-92070.