
My Unique Program

Dietician Programs For You

Diet for Weight loss

Diet for Weight loss

At our clinic, we do body composition analysis. We all know that weight is a sum of bones … read more.

Diet for weight gain

Diet for weight gain

A major part of the society being so conscious about their weight tend to go into the category .. read more

Diet for 100kg plus Obesity

Diet for 100 kg plus Obesity

A kind of malnutrition, is one of today most blatantly visible but also most neglected public … read more


Diet for brain disorders

Diet for brain disorders

Brain is the most important part of the body, which is in charge of every major operation in .. read more

Diet for PCOS

Diet for PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome – Acyst formed in the ovaries these ever .. read more

Diet for cardiac diseases

Diet for cardiac diseases

Cardiac diseases are becoming very common in today’s world due to increased stress level … read more


Diet for cancer

Diet for cancer

In Human is a complex diseases characterized by uncontrolled multiplication & disorganized … read more

Pediatric Dietitian

Pediatric Dietitian

Most crucial phase of life is childhood as nutrition. During this phase has an impact over the … read more

Diet for therapeutic conditions

Diet for therapeutic conditions

A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the intake of certain foods or nutrients … read more


Diet for thyroid

Diet for thyroid

Thyroid is a butterflied shaped glant in the neck region which released the thyroid hormone T3 … read more

Diet for post pregnancy weightloss

Diet for post-pregnancy weight loss

P.PW.L is a major issue in this time a normal women lends to gain about 10-12 kg … read more

Diet for renal diseases

Diet for renal diseases

Kidney is one of the most imp organ without which a person cannot survive. It plays a major … read more


Diet for maintenance

Diet for maintenance

Going on a weight loss or a weight gain program is sometimes comparatively easier than … read more

Diet for gastro-intestinal diseases

Diet for gastrointestinal diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases refer to diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract namely … read more

Diet for children and teenagers

Every teenager / Child is unique, some are fast gainers and others are slow. Adolescence is … read more


Diet for diabetes

2 Types D.M and D.I – DM most common Characterized by hyperglycemia (Blood Sugar) … read more

Sports nutrition

Sports nutrition

Sportsis a world in itself and often attached to it is the world nutrition. Plays a very … read more

Wedding bells

Wedding Bells

Wedding is a huge day for any person and looking best on the D day is a dream for all … read more


School wellness

Diet for children and teenagers

These Wellness programs in schools, play school, colleges are an essential shift in the … read more