How to Motivate Yourself to Work Harder – 7 Ways Explained

Do Monday morning blues almost reduce you to tears? What happens with many of us, if not most of us. With the weekend gone by in the company of family and friends, dragging yourself to work is a challenge. We tell you how to motivate yourself at work. Yes, even those who love the work they do often find pushing themselves to go that extra mile very challenging. We know you desperately want that promotion. But getting yourself to work and performing at your best every day is something that you detest. Read on as we give you some very effective tips on how you can motivate yourself at work.

Tips to motivate yourself at work for better result

Tell Yourself, “I Want to Do This!”

You’ve got to convince yourself that you’re eager to do the work that’s been given to you. The best way to do so is to tell yourself that you’ll feel great once it’s done. How do you do that? Tell yourself that the work isn’t that hard at all. Speak to yourself. Tell yourself that the work’s going to be easy once you get cracking. The trick is to make the hard work look easy. You’ve just got to be open to the challenge that you face. Convince yourself that you’re more than capable of facing the challenge.

Create Achievable Smaller Goals

More often than not, you feel intimidated by the goal that you need to achieve in the new project. It’s a big turn off and you don’t feel like starting at all. How do you deal with this? Here’s a trick. You’ve got to set yourself smaller goals that are relatively easy to achieve. That would help you not to be bogged down by the enormity of the work in hand. Prepare yourself a list with smaller goals you look to achieve as you make progress. That way, as you tick off the goals while making progress, it’s a very satisfying feeling of accomplishment.

Achieve the Smaller Victories and Celebrate

Of course, we don’t ask you to throw a gala party every now and then. But a small celebration of a certain smaller achievement is sure to motivate you and your team. After all, the most important factor in employees being put off is not being acknowledged for good work. Don’t let your spirits sink when there’s a setback. Celebrate what you’ve achieved, even if it’s only a small but significant step towards the bigger goal.

Hang Around With Those Who Work Hard

You aren’t alone in your office, are you? You have colleagues you bond with. We don’t ask you to avoid anyone but do hang around more with hard workers. That creates positive vibes. Whether it is during work or when you meet up somewhere, it helps to be among colleagues who push you to achieve more. Be among those who inspire you. Start hanging around with people who make it big. Strive to go places like they are.

Focus on the Task

Concentrate on the work before you and concentrate hard. We advise you not to get distracted by instant messages, emails or texts. Tell your colleagues that you won’t always be available to respond to them immediately. It’s likely that it’s your habit to respond to messages instantly. Well, not anymore. Train yourself and those around you into not expecting immediate replies. Quora user Marina Abaza says that you should make people aware of when you’ll be available for them and when you won’t.

Seek Regular Feedback from Your Boss

There are many who are self-motivated. Then there are many who need some sort of a booster from others to motivate themselves. If you can take constructive feedback positively, we suggest that you take regular feedback from your superior at work. It’s wonderful to know that your contribution is helping the organization reach its goals. It’s a good habit to talk to your boss more often and ask him how you’re performing. Enquire if you need to improve yourself further. If yes, do so. That’ll raise your performance levels giving you more satisfaction.

Positivity Helps

Stay positive about yourself. Focus on your strengths instead of brooding about your weaknesses to motivate yourself. Do what you need to do reach your goal. Others might be sarcastic about your drive to achieve what you’ve set out for. Don’t let that influence you. Also, don’t let the success achieved by others intimidate you or turn you off. In fact, let that only inspire you into pushing yourself harder. Have belief in yourself. Believe that you can get there where the success has. Stay positive.


Being motivated at work is so very important. We hope our guide on how to motivate yourself at work helps. We hope it’ll drive you into achieving more and climb the staircase to success. Do let us know how much of a help we’ve been. We wish you all the best. Go for it!