Dietitians in Bandra

The renowned Geetanjali Medical Nutrition clinic was set up for preventive health care. The objective was to address the requirements of the people in metros and rural parts, where ailments are rampant.

The clinic runs with several qualified and knowledgeable dieticians under the supervision of senior Dietitians, Mrs Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi. The clinic operates in some places in Mumbai that include Bandra.

Some words on Mrs Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi

Dr Geetanjali at her Bandra Clinic

She is an authorized dietitian and a medical nutritionist and been in this field for over 13 years. She is a graduate in nutrition, a postgraduate in Dietetics, and have got a master’s in Dietetics with specialization in food service management. She is also a practicing diabetes mentor. She has specialization in endocrinology and has been practicing for some seven years. Thus, she helps with hormonal imbalances that include thyroid, PCOD and more.

We at our clinic in Bandra believe that Food is the cause of health problems and their cure

We help our clients be in charge of their health and live a hale and hearty lifestyle. We are convinced that there are no short cut results.We never prescribe medications or short cut diets.

We go through the medical history and lifestyle of all our clients to provide them with the correct diet. A part of our services iscustom-made one to one online dietary counselling.

Some of the Services available in Bandra, Mumbai

We offer specialized diets for:

  • Weight loss – We design a diet plan for our clients to follow for maintaining their metabolism and realizing their target. “Slim and sleek” is one of our weight loss programs. People who have done this program have lost between 15 and 20 kg within some three to four months. This program has food reminders and a unique diet kit that has definite tools that offer good result
  • Weight gain
  • Diseases and disorders that include hypertension, diabetes, cardiac disorders, and gastrointestinal diseases
  • Hormonal disorders like PCOS and thyroid
  • The special population that include infants, elders, menopausal ladies, pregnant and lactating ladies
  • Athletes
  • And more

When a person arrives at our GMAwe proceed with a body composition analysis. We check his/her weight, height body fat, bone, muscle, water, and more. Moreover, we perform a girth measurement where we measure the hip, waist, and more. We then check their diet history that includes their present diet and their earlier and present medical history.

We at the clinic have a panel of staff that work with the clients to guarantee that they follow the prescribed diet.