Dietitian Nutritionist in Grant Road

A prominent name in preventive health care in Grant Road, Mumbai is Geetanjali Medical Nutrition clinic. Since its launch, the clinic has addressed the requirements of the population in the metros and rural regions that have widespread diseases.

Dietitian Mrs Geetanjali have clinic in Grant roadOur clinic at Grant Road functions under the supervision of Mrs Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi. She has been a registered dietician for over 13 years.

Right way to weight loss  in Grant Road

Many people go through long periods of extreme diet restrictions to lose weight. However, this approach to weight loss isn’t right. During these periods of diet restrictions, the human body draws upon muscles as the source of energy. The muscle breakdown causes loss of immunity for a while. The body loses vital nutrients and can experience much deficiency. Eating less to lose weight is a common practice that isn’t right as it can cause acidity and cause ulceration. Another possible result is elevated blood sugar. As malnutrition happens the body requires energy at intervals of two to three hours for optimal functioning. When it isn’t available the body’s energy systems experience distortion and cause problems.

Thus, how to achieve weight loss the best? According to Mrs Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi, the answer is a balanced diet with the right blend of macro and micro nutrients. Small meals at intervals of two to three hours provide optimum nutrition for proper energy levels and excellent immunity.

Mrs Geetanjali Ahuja Mengi also says that the perfect breakfast plays an important role in weight loss. Elaborating on a perfect breakfast, she says that:

  • 50% of the source of energy that a person gets from a breakfast should be carbohydrates including cereals – The usual Indian breakfasts of vegetable Idlis and more provide ample energy for two to three hours
  • 30% to 40% has got to be proteinaceous items –Milk or buttermilk would good. Some paneer or tofu or egg whites will do
  • 10% should be healthy fats that include nuts and oil seeds – Some flax seeds, walnuts or almonds will be good

The diet programs of Geetanjali Medical Nutrition clinic offer quite a few health benefits.

We specialize in several diet programs

  • Diet Program for Weight loss
  • Diet program for Thyroid disorders
  • Weight Gain Diet Counseling
  • Diet program for a healthy immune system
  • Diabetic Diet Counseling
  • Diet program for gastrointestinal diseases
  • Anti-Ageing diet
  • Diet program for Sports
  • Diet program for bone strengthening
  • Healthy Heart Diet
  • Diet program for cancer patients
  • Diet planning for Kids
  • Hypertension
  • Diet program for Acute Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and Post-Transplant Care
  • Dyslipidemia
  • Liver Disease
  • Diet Therapy
  • Diet Counseling
  • Ketogenic diet
  • Functional Nutrition
  • Therapeutic diets
  • Guidance Lifestyle
  • Nutritional education
  • Radio frequency
  • Rapid weight loss
  • And more

How do we function?

Nutritionist Geetanjali Ahuja is against short cut results. She believes that what is got easily also goes easy.She is also against giving pills.

The staffs at our clinic in Grant Road function systematically. They

  • Take a comprehensive medical history and diet history
  • Do a meticulous background check of patients for understanding their body type
  • Do a body composition examination
  • And more

Based on the above information, they:

  • Chalk out a balanced diet for the patients
  • Set patients on food reminders for all meals as messages
  • Offer diet tools for results
  • Offer an app for the patients to input their intakes
  • Offer diet guides in line with the requirements of patients
  • 24/7 WhatsApp assistance

Nutritionist Geetanjali Ahuja does all the follows ups personally.

Our treatment extends beyond the walls of our clinic

Besides the consultations of nutritionists at Grant Road, people can avail our services from the comfort of their home.Our Online Consulting platform offers themcustom-made and one-to-one Dietary Consulting of the highest order.