10 Food for Weight Gain

Food for Weight Gain

The internet is flooded with weight loss recipes and diet plans. However, there is not much for those who want to gain a healthy weight. Therefore, dietician help in making a health-friendly diet plan for weight gain that includes nutrient-rich foods. It is always a good idea to take help from expert dieticians as they can guide you in adding mass-gaining foods that contain healthy calories. Although most of us struggle with overall weight loss, many struggle with bony frames and weight gain.

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10 foods to avoid after 50

There are some obvious reasons why older individuals do not like to consume the same type of diet they used to ingest while they were young. It is a fact that diet can influence our overall health in the long run. It will be a good idea to stay away from junk food items once you have crossed 50 years of age. It is imperative to understand how good food items can be beneficial to our health and how unhealthy food items can be detrimental. In the following paragraphs, we have mentioned what foods to avoid once you are 50 years old.

Unpasteurized Milk


It is a fact that most minerals present in milk are lost during the process of pasteurization. For this reason, many individuals are of the notion that it will be sensible to drink unpasteurized milk. Nevertheless, unpasteurized milk has the ability to generate more bacteria as compared to its pasteurized counterpart. In case you have crossed 50 and you want to drink milk, make it a point to consume only thoroughly pasteurized whole milk. There are several companies on the market that also include vitamin D and protein in the pasteurized milk produced by them.

Soft cheeses


Camembert, Brie, chevre, blue cheese, and other types of soft cheeses are usually unpasteurized, and therefore, they enable bacteria to generate in huge amounts. Since adult individuals tend to have weaker immune systems, it is possible for these bacteria to harm them more than the younger generation. Nevertheless, it is vital to note that cheese provides a fantastic source of vitamin D which will be beneficial for seniors as well. Consequently, make it a point to eat cheese such as Monterey jack, cheddar, and Swiss instead of the softer varieties.

Raw meat

Raw meat

Even though you will come across several raw meat recipes which are considered to be mouth-watering delicacies, it will be sensible for seniors to avoid them at all costs. This is because these food items happen to be uncooked which implies that it is not possible to destroy the bacteria present in the meat by heat. This has the potential of making the seniors extremely sick in the long run. Therefore, seniors should make it a point to eat lean white meat such as chicken instead of going for raw meat.

Multigrain bread

Multigrain bread

Most food items required by individuals who have reached 50 ought to be full of nutrients. However, it can be quite challenging for individuals to figure out what exactly is present in the products purchased by them from the stores. During the last few years, you will come across several companies marketing products that seem to be healthy apparently. Multigrain bread happens to be one of them that is filled with preservatives and dyes so that they appear different from white bread. Moreover, it also contains lots of empty calories as well as unwanted carbohydrates.

Unpasteurized juice

Fruit Juices

It will be a good idea for any individual over 50 years of age to drink juice since it will provide them with essential minerals and vitamins. Nevertheless, it is important for them to stay away from commercial juices that have not been pasteurized. On the other hand, it might be a sensible idea for the older members to purchase a juicer for their residences. It will be comparatively safe to drink juice from the majority of the vegetables and fruits available on the market.

Diet soda

It has been found by research that diet soda consists of ingredients that can cause severe health conditions such as cancer and depression. In spite of having fewer calories and lesser amounts of sugar, diet sodas are considered to be quite unhealthy for most of the seniors who have reached 50. Those who are in the habit of consuming carbonated beverages must try to avoid products consisting of preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and dyes. Moreover, they should also refrain from drinking caffeinated beverages as much as possible.

Raw eggs


We have heard about some people eating raw eggs for developing their muscles and getting more vitality. But, here we like to mention that raw eggs can be quite detrimental for people who have reached 50. The reason for this is that raw eggs provide a salmonella threat that can be harmful to the elderly.

Therefore, people more than 50 years of age must try their best to avoid eating raw eggs which happen to be in uncooked condition. It is a fact that eggs are considered to be a healthy food item, but it has to be boiled or cooked properly before it becomes conducive to eating them.

Low-fat food items

fat food

Even though many of us are of the notion that fat is not healthy for our health, we must not stay away from foods that consist of some natural levels of fat in them. Healthy fats are present in food items such as nuts; fish, as well as olive oil that come with heart-protecting attributes that can be quite helpful for the elderly. Make sure to go for full-fat stuff such as yogurt and milk. These types of healthy fats provide protection for our brains and joints while we become older.

Raw sprouts


It is essential to clean the sprouts comprehensively or even cook them before they can be consumed. These veggies are in the habit of growing in warm conditions which implies that they might be available to you from stores covered in germs. However, the good thing is that it will be feasible to get rid of the majority of the harmful pathogens simply by tossing them in boiling water.

Sports drinks

Sports drinks

Although sports drinks can be considered to be a substitute for soda, they can be quite unhealthy in the long run. This is due to the fact that most sports drinks are packed with preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and processed dyes that can prove to be harmful when it comes to maintaining the blood sugar levels of seniors along with the health of their hearts, gums, and teeth.


What is good for one person might not be good for others, and it will be a good idea for those who have gone past 50 to avoid these aforementioned food items in the long run. It will allow them to stay free from any ailments and lead a long and healthy life as well.

10 Foods to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Diabetes patients' foods in India

The pumping of the heart within our system helps to keep us alive. Therefore, it can be rightly asserted that the heart happens to be among the most vital organs in our bodies. It is important to keep our hearts healthy if we want to lead a long and happy life. Many things can be done for maintaining the health of our hearts such as a yearly checkup, regular workouts, staying away from smoking, and so forth. Another good idea will be to watch what we are consuming in our day-to-day life. Here, we have fleshed out the top 10 food items to eat for maintaining a healthy heart.

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Top 10 Foods to Eat to Live Longer Life

10 best Foods to eat to live longer

Top 10 Foods to Eat to Live Longer Life: A lot of individuals are concerned about living for a long time, and they make an endeavor for doing so. According to many studies, it has been found that there are certain food items that will allow you to survive for a long time. Even top dietitian recommends adding these foods in daily life.  In the following paragraphs, we have mentioned the top 10 foods to live longer.

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11 Foods that Prevent Heart Disease

It is observed that a lot of people these days are suffering from heart ailments and this is caused by no exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, stressful life, eating habits that are not healthy, and lack of proper sleep. However, the good news is that this can be kept under control with proper exercise and a healthy diet. Here is a list of some foods that eliminate the chances of heart disease.

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10 Food You Should Avoid With Diabetes

10 Food to avoid diabetes

Diabetes happens to be a chronic condition when the glucose content in the blood is much above the normal level. Consuming foods that are high in sugar and fat from carbohydrates can cause diabetes. Diabetes when left unchecked can cause a series of health problems. However, the good news is that the condition can be curbed with medication and a balanced diet. Here is a list of some food that should be avoided by people with diabetes.

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Healthy Homemade Indian Food for Kids

List of 7 best Homemade Indian Food for Kids: As a parent, your kids’ health is of utmost concern to you. No wonder your home often turns into a battle zone when you are forced to chase your kids getting them to eat well. Yes, kids often refuse to eat what’s healthy for them. That’s why, you are left wondering what are the foods you should serve your kids to make sure that they live a healthy life.

Healthy homemade Indian food for kids

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