10 Tips to Lose Belly Fat Naturally

Belly fat may seem to be of no problem but in reality, it creates a lot of problems for the person.  At first, you feel it’s completely normal but slowly you start feeling uncomfortable. Your physical appearance slowly changes and you feel embarrassed. Your favourite clothes don’t fit you. Apart from that, your body faces several health issues too.

The fat that is accumulated is the visceral fat which is not considered as good fat. It causes diabetes, heart diseases, and other problems as well.

Though losing fat is a difficult task but one can practice several things to lose this excess fat.

Here are 10 such natural tips to lose your belly fat:

  1. Adding soluble fibres to your diet

Soluble fibres are the excellent sources that absorb water and boosts better digestion.

It has been proved that these fibres help you to feel full by consuming a little amount. So this gradually helps you in weight loss as you reduce your intake of food. It also decreases the absorption of calories by your body from the food.

Several studies have shown that adults have decreased their belly fat by consuming a little amount of soluble fibre regularly.

Then what’s better than soluble fibre?

  1. Avoid consumption of alcohol

Alcohol is said to have some benefits but regular consumption of it can cause serious health problems.

Studies have shown that alcohol also adds to your belly fat. Yes! It’s true!

Increased alcohol consumption can lead to central obesity, the condition when excess fat is accumulated near your waist region, thereby adding to belly fat.

Though you don’t need to give up on alcohol completely, reducing consumption of it can help you to get rid of belly fat.

Limiting it to once in a week or once in four days can help you to control your fat as well as keep yourself healthy. 

  1. A High Protein Diet

Protein has been proved to be an excellent nutrient to control your weight.

Consumption of food containing high protein helps to increase the release of PYY hormone which is the fullness hormone. As a result, you feel full after eating little which in turn reduces your appetite and help avoid excess weight gain.

It also helps to maintain your muscle strength even during your weight loss.

Therefore, it’s very important to add little protein to your diet. Some high protein sources are meat, fish, milk, beans, etc.

  1. Avoiding Stress

It is a surprise but a true fact that increased stress level can be a major cause to increase your weight.

Increased stress levels can activate your adrenal glands which in turn produces cortisol also known as the stress hormone.

Various studies have shown that high cortisol level can compel you to eat more which in turn causes an increase in appetite adding to the belly fat. To avoid stress, one can do activities that relax your mind and body. Meditation and yoga can be the most effective ways to reduce stress and anxiety which in turn will help to control your weight gain.

  1. Aerobic Exercises

As we already know that exercise is the best way for a healthy living. So, aerobic or cardio exercises can help you to lose your fat by burning your calories.

You just need to be careful to do them regularly, here the moderate, as well as high-intensity exercise, can prove more beneficial in losing your fat.

Therefore doing it for a few minutes on a regular basis can help to overcome the problem of excess fat.

10 Ways to burn Calories without Exercise 

  1. Trying sugar- free beverages

Studies have shown that beverages containing a high amount of sugar sweetening can lead to an excess gain of abdominal fat.

These drinks are said to contain liquid fructose which is the main cause of this problem. These fats also seem to increase fat in the liver.

These liquids contain more fructose than solid sugar substances.

These contain a large number of calories which in turn is stored as the fat.

To avoid such weight gain, try to avoid drinks such as sweet tea, punch, soda, etc.

It is also better even if you avoid solids that contain a large quantity of sugar.

  1. Using apple cider vinegar

It is of no surprise that adding apple cider vinegar can do wonders for your body. It has many health advantages that can help you to avoid various problems.

It said that Apple cider vinegar can control your blood sugar levels.

The content of acetic acid in it helps to cut down excess abdominal fat which can help you to lose your belly fat.

A little consumption of Apple cider vinegar regularly can control your weight and help lose waist fat safely.

  1. Stay away from food containing Trans fat

Oils such as soya bean oil are the unsaturated fats, on the addition of hydrogen, these are activated to Trans fat.

These fats are commonly found in packed foodstuff. Apart from adding to belly fat, these fats have serious impacts on your body such as inflammation and various heart diseases.

Therefore it’s best to keep yourself away from consumption of such hazardous food.

Before buying any packed food, read the ingredient label carefully.

These are often mentioned as partially hydrogenated fats. You can avoid weight gain by keeping in mind these things while buying food items.

  1. Using coconut oil

Coconut Oil

Many Dieticians suggests using coconut oil. Believe it or not, but the coconut oil is the only type of fat which is proved to have good health benefits.

Coconut oil is an excellent way to boost metabolism and reduce the amount of calorie you take in.

Studies have proved that people who use coconut oil regularly instead of other oils have noticed a weight loss without any exercise or special diet.

Therefore, it is definitely a better option to go for coconut oil instead of other fats to avoid the gain of extra belly fat.

  1. The best way- drinking Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the best drinks that helps the body to stay away from extra weight.

Green tea has antioxidant EGCG- epigallocatechin gallate which is extremely good to lose your excess weight as well as boost your metabolism.

Therefore, regular consumption of green tea is the best way to lose your belly fat.


Therefore, it can be concluded that following a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you to get rid of excess fats. It is advisable to prevent such foodstuff that causes such a problem.

“Prevention is better than cure”.

Eat healthily and stay healthy!