11 Foods that Prevent Heart Disease

It is observed that a lot of people these days are suffering from heart ailments and this is caused by no exercise, a sedentary lifestyle, stressful life, eating habits that are not healthy, and lack of proper sleep. However, the good news is that this can be kept under control with proper exercise and a healthy diet. Here is a list of some foods that eliminate the chances of heart disease.

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10 Food You Should Avoid With Diabetes

10 Food to avoid diabetes

Diabetes happens to be a chronic condition when the glucose content in the blood is much above the normal level. Consuming foods that are high in sugar and fat from carbohydrates can cause diabetes. Diabetes when left unchecked can cause a series of health problems. However, the good news is that the condition can be curbed with medication and a balanced diet. Here is a list of some food that should be avoided by people with diabetes.

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