10 Tips on How to Improve Immune System

“Health is wealth,” they say. If you’re keen to live life to the fullest, nothing could be truer. Life’s beautiful and drinking life to the lees is even more beautiful. We give you 10 tips on how to improve immunity system that’ll go a long way in helping you live a healthy life. Your immunity system is your shield against diseases, viruses, and allergies waiting to prey on you. This is what prevents you from falling sick every now and then. Let our tips be the guideline to help you live life as if each day were a festival.

How you can improve your immune system

1) Sleep Well

Antibodies are your protection against diseases. They are your first line of defense against falling sick. Antibodies help strengthen your immune system. If you are deprived of enough sleep, it devastates the production of antibodies in your body. We live a busy life these days.  Most of us cut down on our sleep breaks to be able to meet targets, especially when it comes to our professional lives. Build a daily routine that allows you to sleep at least seven to nine hours every day. If it’s difficult, do try and fit in a few short naps into your daily routine, what we call power naps.

2) Develop Good Hygiene

It’s only stating the obvious that being hygienic at all times not only protects your immunity system, it also helps strengthen it. Neglecting hygiene invites diseases borne by dirt and filth. With pollution levels being on a continuous rise, hygiene acquires even more significance. How do we do so? Here are a few basic techniques, more of habits that we should develop-

  • Be sure to wash your hands a few times every day, more so after you come out of the bathroom
  • It is very important that you take regular showers to wash away any dirt and germs from your body
  • We advise you against sharing drinks with others, at least not very often
  • Maintain food hygiene, like washing vegetables thoroughly and preparing food safely using hygiene techniques like covering your hair with a shower cap

It’s also important that you put your thinking caps on and avoid habits that may cause hygiene issues.

3) Maintain a Healthy Diet

It might sound cliché, but having a healthy diet and sleeping well are absolutely vital to living a healthy life. They do indeed help strengthen your immune system. The high content of sugar in soft drinks and processed sweets weakens your immunity. Do cut down on them.  A balanced diet is what we’re looking for. Make sure that your diet has just the perfect balance between vegetables, fruits, and meat. That’ll give you vitamins and protein, an absolute must in your fight against diseases.

4) Quit Smoking

We know it’s easier said than done. But it’s something we insist on. That’s because smoking causes immense damage to your immunity system. That weakens the fight of the antibodies in your body against diseases. Loads of carcinogens with each fag sink through your larynx and pharynx tearing into your soft tissues. Smoking destroys your lungs and causes breathing problems too. Once you make a start, the nicotine levels drop as oxygen levels in your body get steady.

5) Work Out Regularly

You’ve just got to fit an exercise regime into your routine. You can’t imagine how much it strengthens your immunity system. Exercise isn’t just about body shaping; it’s much more than that. Exercise builds a shield for your immunity and also gives you better sleep. Just make sure that you’re well-hydrated before and after you exercise. It helps in the flow of minerals, vitamins and protein from a healthy diet by flushing out the toxins.

6) Cheer Up and Be Positive

Being cheerful not only makes you feel healthy, it actually does help you remain healthy. Go out and make friends. A happy mind does indeed strengthen your immunity system. Make sure that you don’t isolate yourself even when you’re passing through a rough patch. A healthy social life acts as a support system when life’s tough. Cheerful friends and family give out positive vibes. A cheerful disposition and a touch of humor do indeed strengthen your immunity.

7) Control Stress

Stress weakens your immunity system no end. Yes, stress is unavoidable, especially in today’s professional life. But bear in mind that stress delays antibodies production. We suggest that you consult a yoga specialist and try meditation and yoga regularly. Fit them into your daily routine. Trust us, they are great stress busters. You could also try reading a book or develop a new hobby.

8) Have Enough Vitamin D

There are serious ailments that can be caused by the deficiency of Vitamin D like weakening of your bones. Deficiency in Vitamin D can weaken you against autoimmunity and infections. There are common ways to raise the level of Vitamin D in your body. Go out in the sun often, eat more mushrooms or have more egg yolks. Proper intake of vitamins fortifies you against not just common diseases, but serious ailments too.

You may also check the best foods to lose weight here.

9) Balance Alcohol Consumption

Excessive drinking weakens immune defenses harming your immunity system a great deal. That leaves you at risk of falling sick. If you’ve reached the right age for drinking, don’t avoid it totally as drinking has its advantages too, but do restrict your consumption. Moderate amounts, in fact, strengthen your immunity but have only small amounts during your drinking sessions.

10) Probiotics Help

Probiotics are believed to help the digestive system and repair your immune system. However, scientists aren’t sure if regular intake of food like yogurt and miso ensures that you have had sufficient amounts. We suggest that you take a good supplement. Do consult a dietician before you go ahead.


We hope that our article on 10 tips on how to improve the immunity system does indeed help you improve your health. The trick is to eat healthily and sleep well. Add to that a bit of exercising and healthy habits as garnishing and you’re on your way to having a strong immunity system. Stay positive and be cheerful. Life beckons you with all its joy and happiness. Go ahead, live your life; a healthy one.