10 Superfoods for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the special phases in a woman’s life. It is exciting and stressful as a woman goes through ups and downs, especially eating habits, physical changes, and more. However, focusing on healthy and nutrient-rich food can make pregnancy easy and tension-free. Here is a list of superfoods a pregnant woman can consume during pregnancy.

10 Superfoods for a healthy Pregnancy

1. Eggs

Fried, hard-boiled, or scrambled- eggs are one of the best sources of protein for pregnant women, including prenatal protein. Besides, eggs provide other nutrients, like folate, iron, and choline, which are healthy for the mother and the baby. The best thing is eggs are the perfect budget-friendly alternatives. Moreover, it is versatile, convenient, and goes with almost everything. Additionally, it is rich in choline, which helps in fetal brain development. Furthermore, it reduces the threat of neural tube defects.

2. Sweet Potatoes

As weird as it sounds, sweet potatoes are rich in taste and nutrients. They are high in fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, vitamin C, iron, and more. Out of other nutrient foods, this magic vegetable has beta-carotene. Your body converts it to vitamin A, which is essential for the development of the eyes, skin, and bones of the baby. Furthermore, it is useful in meeting the iron levels and copper- essential for iron absorption. Therefore, the next time you reach for unhealthy options, divert to sweet potatoes. Here can find the dietician for pregnancy and learn what diet one should follow.

3. Nuts

Nuts are rich in healthy fats, like omega-3, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Moreover, you can fulfill your daily quota of 350 mg of magnesium by consuming nuts, especially during pregnancy. Did you know foods rich in magnesium prevent premature labor? Besides, it also helps in the healthy improvement of the nervous system of the baby. Therefore, every time you feel hungry, you can munch on almonds, shelled pistachios, walnuts, or other nuts. Moreover, nuts will keep you full and prevent unwanted cravings, which are common during pregnancy.

4. Beans and Lentils

Not every pregnancy is the same. Some feel comfortable consuming meat, while others feel nauseous due to the smell. Therefore, a great alternative to meat is beans and lentils. These are rich plant sources of protein and other nutrients, like iron, folate, calcium, and fiber. Besides, beans are a great source of zinc, which prevents the threat of low birth weight, preterm labor, and prolonged labor. However, women allergic to beans can opt for cashews, peas, crabs, or oysters.

5. Lean meat

Lean meat is a high protein source. Lean pork and beef are rich in vitamin B and iron. A mother needs 25 grams more protein during pregnancy for the healthy muscle growth of the baby. The same thing applies to iron, as not getting enough iron will lead to low birth weight and preterm delivery. Besides, iron is necessary for the mother as it helps in RBC formation. Meat provides a high amount of vitamin B6, which improves brain and tissue growth.

6. Orange juice

Starting the day with a glass of orange juice will increase folate, potassium, and vitamin C levels in a pregnant woman. 400 grams of folate and folic acid prevents birth defects during early pregnancy. Besides, orange juice is rich in potassium, which keeps the muscles healthy, improves metabolism, and maintains the overall health of the mother. Other sources of vitamin C are broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, and other citrus fruits.

7. Yogurt

Plain yogurt is high in calcium compared to milk. Besides, it has vital bone-building nutrients, like protein, zinc, and vitamin B. Calcium is essential to strengthen the bones of the baby and the mother. Skipping this nutrient might lead to long-term issues. A pregnant woman must get at least 1000 mg of calcium daily to lower the threats of preterm delivery and low birth weight.

8. Oatmeal

Oats are rich in protein, vitamin B6, and fiber. As a pregnant woman, you must begin the day with a bowl of oats. Besides, whole grains are great to improve your energy levels for women suffering from morning sickness. Moreover, oatmeal is great for relieving constipation, which is common during pregnancy.

9. Dark leafy green

Enriched with essential nutrients and antioxidants, dark leafy vegetables are a must in your list of daily food consumption during pregnancy. Vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli are good for the mother and the baby. Apart from folate, these vegetables are high in vitamin A, calcium, fiber, and potassium. Hence, you can tell these are highly beneficial for you and the baby.


10. Salmon

Salmon is power-packed with omega-3 fatty acids and protein. It helps in the overall brain development and DHA in babies, which results in high IQ levels and advanced motor skills. Besides, it helps in developing the baby’s eyes and provides enough protein to the would-be moms. Furthermore, salmon is a safe option for pregnant women, as the mercury levels are low.


Final words

Plenty of green vegetables, meat, beans, and fatty fish are the best superfoods as it provides the essential nutrients to the baby and the would-be mother. The protein, iron, and fiber you get from these foods will help in the optimal development and growth of the baby.


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