Top 10 Foods That Improve Immunity

Our body’s immune system protects us from the deadly effects of various diseases. The stronger it is, the safer we are. Over the last several months, we have seen the deadly outbreak of the novel coronavirus. This virus has created mayhem in almost all the countries of the world and disrupted the way we know normal life.

foods that improve immunity

Coronavirus has changed the way we look at life and health. Doctors and scientists are unanimous that till the time there is a vaccine against the virus, the best defense against it is a healthy immune system. A balanced diet and lots of physical exercises are a perfect combination to ensure strong immunity.

There are also various types of food that bolster the immunity system. These contain essential nutrients that can fight off the virus and keep us protected. The proteins and tissues in our immunity system fight off the disease-causing pathogens by releasing antibodies that kill the unwelcome virus.

This, it is critical that we plan our diet in such a way that the maximum types of such food can be incorporated. These foods are well-endowed with antioxidants, thereby keeping us healthy. Don’t depend too much on artificial health supplements. Naturally-occurring foods are the best for health and vitality.

Top 10 Foods That Boost the Immune System

Let’s take a quick look at 10 such foods that can help you to boost your immunity to fight with diseases like cold, cough, etc.

1. Citrus Fruits

Citrus Fruits

These fruits contain a very important ingredient for strong immunity – Vitamin C. it increases your body’s production of white blood cells that help to fight infections by strengthening your immune system. You must make citrus fruits an essential part of your daily diet. Some of the commonly available citrus fruits are lemons, tangerines, grapes, oranges, etc.

2. Spinach


Iron and Vitamin C are among the primary components in spinach. They help to keep the blood pure. The beta-carotene and antioxidants in spinach enhance the disease-fighting capacity of your body. Cook the spinach well after cleaning it properly and make it a part of the daily diet of your entire family. It is a key immunity builder.

3. Red Bell Pepper

Red Bell Pepper

This might come as a surprise to many – but red bell peppers are richly endowed with Vitamin C. in fact, much more than oranges! It contains high amounts of beta-carotene too. Besides building your body’s immunity, it also makes your skin healthier. Beta-carotene helps in the production of Vitamin A that is good for your eyes as well.

4. Turmeric


Historically, turmeric is a spice that is renowned for its multiple health benefits. For ages, turmeric has been a constant ingredient in Indian cooking, apart from several other countries. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help to keep muscle and bone inflammations in check. Curcumin in turmeric is a strong immunity booster. It helps to keep a check on the building of T cells and also reduce stress-induced inflammation.

5. Broccoli


Broccoli is a storehouse of various vitamins. A diet that includes broccoli in it will boost the count of Vitamins A, C, and E in your body. It also contains fibers and a variety of antioxidants. Broccoli is among the healthiest of vegetables around that can provide a lot of power to your immunity system. Don’t cook it excessively – the best way to have it is boiled or steamed.

6. Ginger


Ginger comes with lots of anti-inflammatory properties. It’s a known cure for sore throats. Its antiviral constituents also help to improve your digestion and keep your gut healthy. This ensures that you have a robust immunity system.

7. Garlic


Garlic is another age-old health booster. Almost every civilization uses it in some form or the other in various dishes. It adds a distinctive flavor to the food and also brings to the table a lot of health benefits. It helps to fight different types of infections and slows down the hardening of your arteries. It also contributes to the lowering of your blood pressure. The presence of allicin, a compound of sulfur, is one of the key reasons for garlic’s immunity-enhancing properties.

8. Almonds


Almonds are among the healthiest types of nuts. Almonds have a high concentration of Vitamin E that is one of the major immunity builders. The healthy fats in almonds slow down the rate of fat absorption. Vitamin E also aids in the production of red blood cells that raise the flow of blood to different body areas. This enhanced circulation strengthens the body’s immunity system. Have 4 to 5 almonds every day – whole, soaked in water, or with milk.

9. Yogurt

Opt for the plain yogurt and the flavored ones. Yogurt with some honey or fresh fruits in it is an excellent source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps to make your body’s immunity system stronger and keep diseases at bay. Yogurt boosts the production of good bacteria to maintain a healthy gut. And a healthy gut implies a healthy immunity system.

10. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, and Vitamins B6 and E. They also contain a lot of selenium. Selenium has a high possibility of combating diseases like swine flu. Vitamin E is also an active contributor to a strong immunity system.

So, these were some of the foods that contribute to building a strong immunity system. These are easily available and not too expensive either. Include them in your daily diet, but also remember that only healthy food is not enough. Regulated eating, proper sleep, planned exercises are also equally important to develop your immunity system.